Tangara Entrance Forms

A warm welcome is extended to your child who will be joining Tangara School.

Kindly complete the following online forms (links are on the left menu):

Please note that each form will be saved ONLY when you click the "Submit" button at the end of the form.


  • Student Travel Arrangement

  • Privacy Collection

  • Allergy Allert (This form is for Reception to Year 6 students ONLY)

  • Medical

      1. Medical Form

      2. Medical Action Plan (if applicable)

  • Sports

      1. Sports at Tangara (compulsory for Years 3 to 10 , K-2 and 11-12 participation is optional, not available for Reception students)

  • Instrumental/Voice Lessons (recommended)

It is imperative that the necessary documents are returned to us as soon as possible. Submission of these documents is a pre-requisite to your child starting at Tangara. Your child will only be permitted to commence studies at Tangara when we have received these documents.

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact at 9680 4844 or email enrol@tangara.nsw.edu.au.